Saturday, February 19, 2011

One-night stands and hit-it-and-quit-it: a short list of do’s and don’ts

DO: Treat condoms (and toilet paper) like the boy scouts: always be prepared! Sometimes it will come off as presumptious, but it is better to have something and not need it than to need something and not have it.

DON’T: Ask her to go on late night errands, she may not come back! 

DO: Loan a pair of boxers or shorts to sleep in if asked (cheap ones.  You don’t have to impress them; they already slept with you).

DON'T: Kick them out as soon as you are done. It makes them feel like a whore and they will tell their girlfriend's, thus making you a douchebag to a larger portion of the female population. 

DO: Walk them out of the building or to the cab (girls getting lost in your building is not good, and the doormen are always watching).

DON'T: Give her cab fare in the morning unless she asks (it makes them look and feel like a whore, again).

DO: Warn her if you have pets or roommates before bringing her to your apartment. Few things are as awkward as going to the bathroom in the middle of the night, naked, and running into an unknown person.

DON'T: Leave her apartment in the middle of the night without at least leaving a note (again, makes her feel like a whore).

DO: Be honest, if it was just a night of good fun then leave it at that. But be nice about it.

DON'T: Make her breakfast, ask her to breakfast, ask her for coffee, or tell them you will call if you don’t intend to (it leads to false hopes and women take shit like this as a sign of wanting another date or a relationship).


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